CALLS for more “key worker” housing in Oxford will be made today at a full meeting of Oxford City Council.

Liberal Democrat councillors Liz Wade and Mike Gotch will say the Labour-controlled administration must do more to build homes for academics, teachers, nurses and emergency service personnel.

They are considered key workers because their industries are vital to the city’s economy.

A motion put forward by Mrs Wade and Mr Gotch will criticise the city council for not including key worker housing in the Barton Park development.

But it will add: “This council asks the executive board to request a report from officers suggesting the categories of workers who should be eligible for key worker housing and recommending how quality housing should be provided specifically for key workers in our city.”

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It comes after the Oxford Mail revealed the city council was reviewing its affordable housing policy, due to concerns it is deterring developers from building key worker homes.

Under current rules, half of the homes in all new developments must be “affordable” but key worker homes do not fall under the definition.

This means a developer wanting to build key worker homes would also have to additionally build affordable homes.

City council leader Bob Price confirmed one compromise the review would look at was allowing key worker homes to be part of the affordable quota.

The meeting will take place at Oxford Town Hall in St Aldate’s at 5pm.