FINAL approval for the blueprint of a major science and business park in North Oxford is expected to be given on Monday.

The “area action plan” for the Northern Gateway – a site bordered by the A40, A34 and A44 – sets out a framework for how development will take place there and was backed by a government planning inspector last month.

The plan is expected to create thousands of jobs and allows for a hotel, 90,000 sq m of employment space and 500 homes. It will next be considered at a full meeting of Oxford City Council, with developers saying they intend to submit an outline planning application afterwards in the autumn.

The scheme has been strongly supported by the Labour-controlled local authority and it is likely to be voted through with little opposition using the party’s majority.

In a report to the full council, planning officer Rachel Williams wrote: “The site is a rare opportunity to provide significant new employment floorspace within the city for the innovation and knowledge-based sector that is so important to Oxford’s economy.

“It also offers the opportunity to provide additional new homes and associated facilities in the form of a thriving and vibrant new community that forms part of Oxford.”

The area action plan was opposed by South Oxfordshire and Vale of the White Horse district councils at a planning inquiry. They claimed it was based on outdated evidence and should include more homes, but their arguments were dismissed by a planning inspector.

The city council meeting will take place at 5pm in Oxford Town Hall, St Aldate’s.