I HAD to smile when I saw the Oxford Mail on July 10 about the high rating for Eynsham Hall. In July 1959, I started a 13-week course there as a police recruit.

The place was cold, the beds were hard and food was disgusting. Two choices: take it or leave it. The drill sergeant was about 5ft 8in and really had it in for me. I was 6ft 5in and had two left feet.

One evening I was selected by the rest of the class to go to Nevo’s in Witney to get 24 bags of cod and chips.

I met a taxi halfway up the long drive.

After buying the food, I crept back up the stairs. The duty sergeant caught me and confiscated the fish and chips. The instructors enjoyed our supper.

But now, some 68 years later, I have only happy memories of those 13 weeks and if I could turn back the clock I would do it all over again.

I only know of one other recruit who is still alive and only one of the instructors.

Funny how only the good times stay in one’s memory.

Kingsway Drive