Sir – It is a good thing that Blenheim Palace now enjoys such good patronage of its events (including last weekend’s proms concert) which helps in bringing visitors and jobs to the local area.

However what is not so good is the inadequate traffic management around the palace when these are on.

I, among hundreds of others, (not going to the concert) were jammed up in traffic that was waiting to go into the palace early on Saturday evening.

It strikes me that palace staff should concentrate on moving traffic swiftly on to their premises without letting cars back up around the local roads, none of which were designed for this volume of traffic.

I am sure that if cars were permitted on to the site without tickets being checked on admission the flow would be much better.

I would suggest there is no reason why tickets cannot be checked after the cars are on site and parked.

I felt particularly aggrieved for passengers on the Stagecoach bus to Chipping Norton who probably had their journey delayed by at least 90 minutes. Come on Blenheim get your act together, there is another life beyond your boundary walls.

Jack Davis