Sir – It seems remarkable how much Headington has changed in my lifetime, with the building of the John Radcliffe Hospital, the establishment of Oxford Brookes University and the setting up, by Oxford University, of medical research facilities – due to be expanded by the setting up of a new institute dedicated to research into heart problems (Feature, July 9).

All this, plus the fact that, being on the London Road, Headington, has become a popular location to set up home for those working in London who find London accommodation too expensive.

All this expansion is putting pressure on local housing and it’s clear that more houses are needed, but where?

Oxford City Council might feel that it is doing its bit by building Barton Park but, to me, this is putting the cart before the horse because the council didn’t think, in advance, about communications.

Barton estate was always a problem because its roads feed directly on to the Green Road Roundabout and Barton Park will only aggravate that problem. London Road and the A40 are already congested, forcing traffic on to the Ferry Link (Headley Way, Cherwell Drive), causing problems there.

To me, what is needed is for town planning expects to look at the whole area and decide where future housing and roads should go, because, the present situation should not be allowed to drift any further.

Derrick Holt