Sir – Next week, both Banbury Road and Woodstock Road roundabouts become traffic gridlock sites due to the start of the roadworks.

This work is estimated to take up to 18 months, which means gridlock will be in full swing by next summer. Many local residents will look at alternative routes, which may include going through Headington. But wait. The city council in their infinite wisdom are planning major roadworks through Headington starting ... next summer.

The council’s crazy decision to work on both northern access points into the city simultaneously inspires disbelief, but this latest plan makes one wonder if the term ‘traffic planner’ is an oxymoron.

The timing of the works in Headington is going to cause misery for everyone who normally travels through there; add on those who are trying to avoid the northern access gridlock zone by travelling through Headington and it will be unbearable.Vehicles will be stuck for much longer in slow-moving or static traffic and travel times will increase dramatically.

It is well-known that the city council are anti vehicles but inflicting these ‘improvements’ all at the same time is a fiendish way to discourage drivers going into the city centre.

Steve Fisher