Sir – It was with disbelief that I read your piece (Report, July 9) regarding the proposals for the redundant Cooper Callas site.

The artist’s impression of what the proposed hotel may look like could be in “Anytown”, and that Bob Price calls it “a very attractive scheme” should set alarm bells ringing straight away.

The area is rich in history and whoever suggested that the proposed building is apt in such an area needs to be ashamed of themselves, along with anyone else within local government who may agree.

For far too long this area, along with other parts of Oxford has suffered from an influx of buildings that look out of place amongst their older characterful surroundings. Oxford deserves better architecture than vast expanse of red brick and magnolia render on a building that has no architectural interest whatsoever. Emulating is not innovating for those who may think to mention the old brewery buildings.

St Thomas Street is awash with dire architecture. Oxford needs to make sure that the design is progressive and is not held back in order to “fit in” with what’s sadly been built close by within the past few years. The college flats opposite and further along Paradise Street add nothing and neither does the design of the flats off Woodins Way.

The designer may as well have suggested a warehouse for all the visual impact that the drawing shows. I’m glad Debbie Dance has commented on its lack of suitability. If this hotel chain wants a four-star hotel in the centre of Oxford it needs to design a building that deserves to be there. After all it will be making a lot of money for itself over the next 50 or so years that the building will be there for.

Gary Brimson