QUEUES were out the door and along the street as hundreds of people gathered to attend a job fair in Barton yesterday.

The Barton Neighbourhood Centre, in Underhill Circus, hosted the event and attracted employers and job seekers from across the county.

Organisers said the fair was a huge success with 300 people entering the community centre in search of training or work.

A full range of employers, including housebuilder Hill, the developer of Barton Park, set up stalls for people to apply for jobs and apprenticeships.

David Sharp, 52, from Bicester, said he found there was a good variety of opportunities for him to find work.

He added: “You can probably find something you want here. I just come to see what was here and if there was something for me.

“The Barton Park developer Hill interested me with its management schemes.

“I have got businesses management qualifications so I’m looking for work in that area. There is warehouse management roles which I have passed my number on to enquire so it is really good.”

Shannon Drummey, 22, attended the fair with friend Marjorie Thorne, also 22.

She said: “I’m just here because I was made redundant and I’m looking for a new job. The police and ambulance service work looked quite interesting.”

About 30 employers from Oxford signed up to the event with “live vacancies” available for residents to give details and apply for jobs.

The job fair was organised by employment charity Aspire Oxford in partnership with Oxford City Council, Jobcentre Plus, Barton Community Association and Renaissance Coaching.

Oxfordshire county councillor for Barton Glynis Phillips said the event was “marvellous”.