I CARE for two disabled parents and my mother has just had an operation at the Churchill Hospital.

As a nurse in Oxford for many years, I remember the Churchill was renowned for its excellent restaurant Even the off duty policemen used to dine there.

I therefore decided two Sundays ago after visiting Mum, to take my Father to the Churchill Restaurant for a Sunday lunch instead of cooking.

Shock horror! Jamie Oliver should definitely have visited that Sunday.

Overcooked cheese pasta bake. Cheese not evenly distributed so that large congealed lumps were scattered throughout.

Other choice, two large saveloy sausages with chips and a small container of luke warm baked beans.

It was a ‘greasy spoon cafe’. I spoke to one nurse eating this fare and she stated it was often like this at weekends. I pity the poor doctors and nurses who haven’t the time at weekends to cater for themselves.

As we are meant to be fighting obesity, I find this kind of menu in a hospital is an absolute disgrace.

Frethern Close, Burford