I REFER to the article which appeared in the Oxford Mail on July 14 and wonder if the ‘Rhodes Must Fall’ group will also be canvassing for all students who have benefitted from a Rhodes scholarship to return the money and also demonstrate against further scholarships being awarded.

Colonialism is part of our history, its legacies have been both good and bad, to blame Rhodes for being a man of his times is nonsense – Rhodes left a legacy which has benefitted people of all creeds and colours, by comparison, the ordinary black Zimbabwean is worse off after more than 35 years of independence than he was beforehand and there is no sign of improvement. Brian Kwoba fails to mention that prior to independence Zimbabwe had one of the highest literacy rates in Africa.

White colonialist farmers built farm schools and clinics for their workers, many of which are now derelict as a result of the Mugabe-sponsored “land grab”. Before the arrival of the British colonialists Africa was mostly ruled by tyrants, who would think nothing of selling their people to Arab slave traders, without fear of retribution.

The British colonists established the rule of law and created effective infrastructures, which the present day elitist governments inherited but are now busy demolishing. Zimbabwe was the “breadbasket” of Africa but today is a” basket case” all the wealth of the country is in the hands of the President and his cronies. Perhaps Cecil would have a chuckle since most of the wealth is in diamonds.

Chapel Lane, Enstone