JOB vacancies and training schemes in the new Barton Park housing development will be available at a job fair in Barton this week.

A full range of employers, including housebuilder Hill, the developers of Oxford’s biggest housing development in a generation, will set up stalls for the community to apply for jobs and apprenticeships in the city.

Organisers have said the aim of the job fair is for employers to bring “live vacancies” to people’s attention, rather than just advertise their business or service.

And it is hoped by having the developers of Barton Park, residents of the current estate could land a job working on the new development and help merge it into the current community.

Martin Ousley, who helps run the job club at the Barton Neighbourhood Centre, said: “The aim of the job fair is to bring live vacancies to people’s attention, unlike many other job fair events where employers can simply pitch up and promote themselves, yet not have vacancies.

“In terms of the new development, it’s largely about making links with the community, as we’re aware of the fact that many of the people we want to help into work might be some distance from the job market, ie they will need a lot of coaching and personal development before being job ready. This kind of event fits well with the fact many of the jobs arising from the development won’t be coming on stream for some time.

"The Barton Park developers are really the only exception to the need for employers to have live and current vacancies as what we’re looking to achieve here is an early link up between those employers and local people seeking job opportunities.”

Mr Ousley added historically Barton was one of the main “feeding grounds” for employees who worked in the car industry.

The fair will take place tomorrow and run from 11am to 3pm.

He added: “In recognition of that link between communities and employers I felt it would be a good idea to forge that close link again, hence the Barton job fair.

“We hope then to run similar events across Oxford in different neighbourhood areas.

“That said the event is aimed at people in all areas of Oxford so everyone is welcome.”

The job fair is being organised by employment charity Aspire Oxford in partnership with Oxford City Council, Jobcentre Plus, Barton Community Association and Renaissance Coaching.

Oxfordshire County Council will be offering apprenticeships, along with Westgate developers Laing O’Rourke, Thames Valley Police and Ladbrokes.

Oxford City Council leader Bob Price said: “This is a great opportunity for local people to secure good quality jobs and training opportunities.

“We’re working closely with partner organisations to improve the economic prospects.”