I HAVE monitored hunts for 20 years, and I am in no doubt that since the Hunting Act came into force in 2005, hunts have repeatedly and blatantly defied the ban and carried on hunting live quarry.

The Prime Minister has clearly been working behind the scenes (some may think he would have been better occupied on matters of national security) to ensure that his hunting chums are no longer even slightly inconvenienced by the ban on their hideous activities. Knowing that a vote on full repeal of the ban would fail due to lack of sufficient support among MPs, he and his cronies have come up with a Statutory Instrument to amend the Hunting Act, to be heard next Wednesday, which in effect could let hunters do exactly as they pleased, because it provides them with a range of excuses from which they could choose every time they are caught hunting live quarry. Even the loathed terrier men have been given what amounts to an escape-all clause so they can carry on with their handiwork free from the fear of prosecution.

This disgusting piece of work hides behind claims of “pest control” and despatch of “injured or diseased animals”, while in fact it looks like a carefully thought out facilitation to break the law and get away with it. Shame on Defra for drawing up this scandalous document. Now we all know what kind of Government we have ended up with. If you object to this appalling proposal, please immediately let your MP know in no uncertain terms. Animal welfare, the principles of democratically passed legislation, and the concept that no-one, however rich and influential, is above the law of the land, are all at stake, thanks to our completely unprincipled and hunt-loving Prime Minister.


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