A YOUNG pupil from the Dragon School in Oxford is aiming to become one of the youngest girls ever to climb Mount Kilimanjaro.

Olivia Maiden, 13, is hoping to climb the African peak with her father from August 7 to 12 in memory of her sister Florence, who died just after her first birthday.

She said: “The day my younger sister Florence was born on August 21, 2007 we were all delighted with our beautiful healthy baby, but then she started to get sick.”

Florence was diagnosed with Leigh’s Disease, a rare condition which affects the central nervous system.

Before she died on November 28, 2008, Florence used to visit Helen & Douglas House Hospice in Oxford, which supported the whole family.

The teenager said: “Helen & Douglas House gave her the best last moments of her life, in the spa room with the Jacuzzi, in the art room and many other brilliant places.

“I would really like to give back to Helen & Douglas House.”

Olivia is one of the youngest girls to ever attempt Kilimanjaro. The youngest ever was a nine-year-old from America, but climbers are legally supposed to be 10 or over.

It is so uncommon for children of Olivia’s age to attempt the climb that it was recommended she had a support team including two guides, a cook and up to 10 porters. When Olivia and her father started training, they were hoping to raise £5,895 for Helen & Douglas House, which equates to £1 for every metre of Mt Kilimanjaro they will climb.

They have already exceeded their target by raising more than £6,000, although they are continuing to fundraise.

Olivia said: “I’m not a natural at sport but I like climbing mountains and I’m just a bit determined.

“I climbed Snowdon with my family in 2011 and Ben Nevis last summer with my dad.”

Mr Maiden said: “I feel so excited to be able to share this extraordinary journey of a lifetime with Olivia.

“All the generous charity donations from friends, family and colleagues will certainly motivate us to do our very best.”

John Baugh, headmaster at the Dragon School said: “I am not at all surprised that Olivia has taken on this challenge.

“Ever since she arrived at the Dragon five years ago as an eight-year-old boarder, she has displayed a huge amount of determination and creativity in her efforts to help others and raise awareness of important issues.

“We are immensely proud of her and wish her all the very best of luck.”

* To sponsor Olivia, visit her Virgin Money Giving page: www.virginmoneygiving.com/oliviamaide