IS TOWER Hill Cemetery, in David Cameron’s constituency, the only one in the whole country where you have to make an appointment to visit the grave of a loved one?

To be able to go to the cemetery to visit a grave we have to first ring the council to make an appointment so that you can drive in.

Without an appointment the council leaves bollards preventing cars from gaining access.

The reason for this rule is that cars may damage graves.

Many people who visit are elderly and disabled and need transport to reach graves as the cemetery is big and hilly.

On several visits we have witnessed and have photographed vans and worker equipment on graves with no respect whatsoever.

This whole subject has upset locals a great deal and we have turned up on the correct day and the booked time to find our entry blocked.

I have never heard of these rules at any other cemetery and find the whole thing ridiculous.

Burwell Drive, Witney