WOMEN will come together in a sea of pink through the city to unite in a “force against cancer” tomorrow.

Thousands are set to take part in Oxford’s Race for Life to raise vital funds supporting Cancer Research UK’s work.

Organisers are hoping some last-minute entries will join the 3,300 who have already registered, as the deadline approaches.

Many who will line up tomorrow are running in tribute to loved ones or those who have fought off the life-threatening disease.

Run organiser Kelly Rumble said: “I have been doing the event for the past seven years and I always get goosebumps.

“Ladies turn up to take part for their own various reasons, whether they or someone else has had cancer or maybe for a loved one that has passed away.

“Whatever the reasons, everyone unites and it just feels like a force against cancer.

“Ladies come with friends, families and we have generations doing it together.

“They all have a sign on them sharing their reasons for taking part and that can be really emotive. As people are crossing the finish line you can see the tears coming down their faces, not for crossing the line but for finishing it for these people.

“The ladies raise an incredible amount of money, whether it is £50 or £100 it all makes a difference.”

Runners will be able to turn up at the parks from 9am tomorrow, an hour prior to the start of the race, for a quick warm-up and other activities.

Mrs Rumble added: “So far we have 3,300 ladies entered but we hope to achieve 5,000 people to match last year.

“We have a host of activities beforehand such as videos on the big screen about cancer research, we have a lady sharing her story, and we also have giveaways and the warm-up. There will also be a photo booth.

“The race starts at 10am and the route goes around the University Parks into the city centre along closed roads and returns back to the parks for the final 2km.

“We expect lots of people to walk, run or jog the events.

“It is for all abilities and not about the speed or time they do but about raising money for Cancer Research and the work we do to research the 200 types of cancer.

“We are asking ladies to prepare themselves in the event that it is a hot day to bring water. Often it is during the warm-up that people realise it is hot and they need more water. We give everyone water at the end of the event but we would recommend to also bring some with them.”

There will also be activities for spectators such as face-painting and a bouncy castle, and families are welcome to bring along a picnic.

The first runner is expected to pass the finish line at about 10.20am, with most runners finishingby about 10.40am.