LOW-INCOME families “weighed down” by debts could find life harder after this week’s Budget, an advice centre has warned.

The Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Centre, in Cross Street, has supported about 45 families struggling to manage their debts in the year it has been running.

Centre manager Jill Ewbank said many families were living on a “tight budget” and needed “life-changing” support from the St Clement’s centre.

Her warnings came after Chancellor George Osborne announced £12b worth of welfare cuts on Wednesday.

Mrs Ewbank said she was concerned by Government changes to tax credits and said the number of people currently working with the debt centre was “just a drop in the ocean” compared to those in need.

Following Wednesday’s budget the income threshold for tax credits will be reduced from £6,420 to £3,850, with tax credits and universal credit restricted to two children per family from 2017. Mrs Ewbank said: “It’s concerning that the government is taking away tax credits before people’s incomes are increased.

“So many people are living on a minimal amount of money.

“If their tax credits are being taken away from them, it’s just going to compound their situation.”

Leaders from six churches in the city united last year to launch Oxford’s first CAP centre, which is part of nationwide initiative led by charity Christians Against Poverty.

A team of three part-time staff and about 50 volunteers visit people living in the OX1, OX2, OX3, OX4 and OX33 areas to help rid them of debt by developing budgets for their families.

Mrs Ewbank said: “People are being weighed down by debt and feel they can’t do anything about it. It does seem that the odds are stacked against people who are in poverty. It’s very tough at the moment. It’s difficult for people on low incomes because what they are cutting back on is the essentials. Certainly there are a lot of people out there who are living, what I would call, impoverished lives.”

The centre, which is based at the St Clement’s Family Centre and needs about £35,000 to run each year, will celebrate its first anniversary on July 18.