BY DAY hundreds of people will be just like any other this weekend, but by night they will become a crowd of capes and Lycra under Oxford’s night skies.

The city is gearing up for hundreds of superheroes to assemble for a moonlight charity stroll on Saturday.

They will all take part in the ninth Sobell House Charity Moonlight Stroll to raise funds for the Oxford hospice.

Marshalling the event this year is deputy mayor of Witney Chris Holliday.

He said: “I believe this is probably my sixth or seventh year, the last two accompanied by my wife, Lisa, just as she will this year.

“Although the reason for the Moonlight Stroll is serious, my wife and I have always found it to be great fun, the ‘strollers’ themselves seem to enjoy the event with a wonderful sense of humour and inventiveness in their dress for that year’s chosen theme.

“Life-threatening illnesses not only have a devastating impact on the person suffering but also on their family and friends.

“Without the amazing care given by Sobell House their lives would be so much more difficult and it is the continuing success of events such as Moonlight Stroll that make this extended care possible.

“Communities working together make a difference.”

The annual event always takes on a theme, with this year superheroes.

Fundraisers will include a team of Sobell House psychiatrists in “hero” costumes from Winnie the Pooh, a team from Bicester Innovation Centre as Minions and a group of Marcham mummies as team Marvel.

It is hoped about 1,000 people will take part in the nine-mile “top secret” route to raise a target of £100,000.

This year will see Miss Oxfordshire Layla Claridge on hand to help start off the strollers.

She said: “I am honoured to be asked to start it.

“I am looking forward to all the people dressing up in their costumes and hope everyone has fun.

“The great thing about the stroll is that everyone can do it.

“It really is for anyone so I am looking forward to seeing lots of different people off all ages and from all walks of life.

“It is for a great cause.”

* Are you taking part in the walk? Send us your pictures to