HUNDREDS of people put on their running shoes to take part in the annual Run Jericho this morning.

Both young and old runners stampeded through the streets of Jericho to raise money for charity.

About 400 adults and 275 children took part in the race, which brings in cash for St Barnabas' Primary School in Hart Street, and library in Bekoji, a small town in Ethiopia.

Race director Quinn Bailey said: "The whole event is just so magical.

"The atmosphere is great, all the families come out to take part. My favourite is children's race.

"We had a little Spiderman running, which is amazing.

"Your heart just goes out to them."

Crowds cheered on the runners as they started the race at the school, before making their way round the 10k course.

Runners then endure the scenic surroundings of Jericho, Worcester College, Port Meadow and the Oxford Canal before cross the finish line back at St Barnabas'.