LIKE Tony Augarde, I am horrified at Oxfordshire County Council’s proposal to spend a staggering £9m “improving” the Wolvercote and Cutteslowe roundabouts at a time when care for the disabled and elderly is being seriously reduced.

Where is this money coming from? Is it from Whitehall like the £1.9m wasted on The Plain? It’s all too easy to spend money dished out by Whitehall.

If this extravagant plan goes ahead, what will the result be for Oxfordshire residents? A few thousand commuters might get to work five minutes sooner. They will be able to get up five minutes later. Big deal! And they’ll get home five minutes earlier. So what?

Michael Clarke of Marston suggests a double-decker road from north of Wolvercote to east of Cutteslowe. I doubt this would cost more than £2 million. The county should carefully examine this option.

But I doubt if it will. The social services department is still failing to tell the public the formula by which they financially assess disabled people for help with the cost of their care. I’ve been asking for over four months.

Oxfordshire Pensioners Action Group will continue to ask. But I doubt if we will ever be told!

Headley Way