Sir – After eight years of being locked up and not used, the church hall of St Mary and St John Church is now a beehive of activity as the work of restoring the hall has begun.

The current project started in October 2013. It has taken this long to raise the funds and secure planning permission to go ahead. But now work has started. A crew working for Cherwell Oxford Ltd has begun to take out the rotted floors and to prepare the building for renovation. There will be new floors put in throughout the building. There will be a new kitchen and toilets installed. It is anticipated that the hall will be ready for use by October of this year.

St Mary and St John Church plans to make this a community hall open for a whole variety of community events and celebrations.

The project would not have happened without grant support from foundations. The largest single funder of the restoration project is WREN. WREN is a not-for-profit business that awards grants to community projects across the UK from funds donated by FCC Environment to the Landfill Communities Fund.

John Hammock