Sir - I see that npower is the official energy partner of Red Nose Day 2007.

If you switch to npower they will generously donate £5 to Comic Relief and also send you an energy-saving kit.

Money from Comic Relief goes to a number of good causes including UK and International based community projects for the disadvantaged young, elderly and mentally ill with the aim of improving quality of life. What a shame that npower cannot lead by example and practise what it preaches.

Whilst appearing to care about saving energy and the environment, they are busy dumping their recyclable Pulverised Fuel Ash into a series of pristine lakes teeming with wildlife in an area of outstanding beauty in Radley, Abingdon.

Not only does this contravene the German arm of their company, RWE's, environmental principles it also contradicts npower's apparent concern, shown through their support of Red Nose Day, for improving people's quality of life. These lakes are loved by local people, old, young, infirm and mentally ill - what better tonic for the soul than to take a walk around them - that is until npower started 'maintenance work' last week, prior to April's public inquiry into the possible town green status of the area, which has resulted in devastation to several hundred trees, a swan's nest and all of the islands within the lakes.

Not to mention the intimidatory tactics of the black-clad security guards that now patrol the area.

Shame on you npower - your support of Red Nose Day is simply a cynical marketing ploy - in reality you and your employees should be sporting Red Faces on March 16.

Annabel Eyres, Radley College