Timber!....the last of four trees in Abingdon's Market Place comes tumbling to the ground as part of an £360,000 refurbishment of the ancient town centre meeting place.

The trees - an ash, birch, beech and sycamore - were unhealthy and about 40 years old. They will be replaced by five semi-mature Liquid Ambar trees, similar to those in Oxford's Gloucester Green, which in the autumn display red and yellow foliage.

The refurbishment project will take 18 weeks to complete and during the work the Market Place has been sealed off.

Peter Steptoe, 73, from Abingdon, said: "They're spending a lot of money on the scheme and I hope it turns out for the best.

"I've seen several changes over the years. It's a wonderful Market Place and I hope it's not harmed by this tinkering around."

The weekly Monday market has been transferred to the Abbey Close car park and the first market this week was hailed a big success by both traders and customers.

Chairman of the Market Traders' Association Jimmy James said: "Both the town and district councils have done a good job in helping a smooth transfer, with leaflets and signs on the car park area."