Sir – 2014 has been a disastrous year in the history of Port Meadow, with the university flats at Roger Dudman Way and the British Rail track-laying operations.

Responsibility for planning decisions is with Oxford City Council and it should, therefore, ultimately shoulder the blame for the damage that these developments have done to the landscape setting.

In order that future developments in the proximity of the meadow do not compromise the meadow, policies should be drawn up to protect it.

The key to protection lies in the planting around the fringe.

Unfortunately, this screening is largely dependent on Crack Willow which, as its Latin name, Salix fragilis, suggests, is brittle, and requires regular pollarding to ensure the trees are kept safe from falling branches.

Additional planting of trees such as poplar, white willow, alder and ash should be carried out to retain the screen after the willows are pollarded.

John Thompson, Secretary, Forest of Oxford, Wolvercote