Sir – Whilst there is much understandable discussion in your newspaper lately about the future of our beautiful city, and the desire for preservation by local people and visitors (which streets public transport should be routed for best effect for the beauty of our architectural vistas, etc).

Whilst on the subject I would like to refer to our most beautiful cobble-stoned Merton Street in which more and more seems to be vandalised by speeding delivery vehicles, and cars, going to such places as there was in this Old Bank Hotel, back door and car park of the Hotel.

And also deliveries to the colleges, be it to Corpus Christi and Oriel. There never seems to be any police patrolling this area (even if the police come up with the ‘old chestnut’ — this belongs to the University, we don’t patrol there!)

Surely be this is still a public area with so many visitors in that area, and the speed these vehicles race over this beautiful street, is a danger to the public, and not doing the surface of the street any good whatsoever.

Peter Berry, Oxford