I am writing concerning reports of the city council’s surplus cash. What are the council doing sitting on all that cash? (‘Only £15,000 spent from £362,000’, Oxford Mail, July 14).

They obviously don’t travel on the London Road often, otherwise they would see and feel that it is like being in a Third World country.

Oxford Mail:

Potholes on London Road    

This hasn’t just happened overnight. Why aren’t they getting on with it?

Being England, by the time they start fixing the road, it will be back to our usual weather and will take twice as long to complete.

This is one of our busiest routes into the city.

Also from Monday’s Mail, Noel Hodson complains about congestion and pollution on Hythe Bridge Street.

He should have been around in the ’60s when traffic could access the High Street, Cornmarket Street, and so on. However, on the plus side, you didn’t have to travel miles on the ring roads to get to the nightlife or theatre.


Lincoln Place


Today’s letters

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