I SWITCHED on my television the other day just in time to hear the presenter announce that the Government plans to abolish the current £50 note.

Great, I thought, what a good idea, after all, what use are they to anybody? Most of us would love to be given one but most people are suspicious of them, some shops won’t take them and there are special pens to check that they are not fakes. So yes, it would be nice to see the back of them and just use £10 and £20 notes instead.

Oxford Mail: £50 note going out of circulation

Stuart Cooper is no fan of the £50 note

But as the television presenter carried on with his conversation, he suddenly announced: ‘....so the Government is going to replace the old £50 note with another £50 note, this time with a different design’.

I thought it was too good to be true.


Watermill Way
