This coming week is Footsteps Cerebral Palsy Awareness Week (May 10-17) and local charity Footsteps Foundation has been celebrating the achievements of the children who receive intensive physiotherapy at the Footsteps Centre in Dorchester-on-Thames.

One local mother tells of the difference that the Footsteps therapy programme has made to her and her family: “When he started at Footsteps, Sohail could only hold a position on all fours for a few seconds before his legs would spray outwards and he would collapse. After only three hours of physiotherapy Sohail was starting to try to move forward on all fours and he is now crawling very well. We would never have imagined such rapid physical progress was possible. Footsteps has allowed the impossible to happen for Sohail.”

Footsteps Foundation supports low income families with disabled children by funding a percentage of therapy costs, enabling children with neurological disorders to access the Footsteps centre’s unique ‘spider’ equipment.

The programme helps to improve physical ability, confidence and independence and enables children to reach their full potential.

This year local organisations including GTI and Pöyry, as well as some local schools, are coming together to do some fundraising on Footsteps Friday (May 16) to support the local charity.

The charity is supported by a dedicated team of volunteers who now form a Fundraising Committee of 12. Since its formation, the team has continued to grow and offers invaluable support to Footsteps Foundation.

The committee welcomes new members and Footsteps Foundation has several other volunteer opportunities available throughout the year. Footsteps mum and local committee member, Lydia, says: “I find it really rewarding knowing that I have helped raise money to enable children to receive treatment at Footsteps. Also, it’s fun and I have made friends doing it!”

During Footsteps Cerebral Palsy Awareness Week, the charity is appealing to individuals to donate an hour of their salary. During an hour of therapy at Footsteps, a disabled child can achieve their first independent steps. By donating an hour of your salary, you can help make this possible.

Please visit to make your donation.

For further information about Footsteps Foundation, the Donate an hour campaign or volunteering, please visit or contact Clare on 01865 343851 /