After a very trying and wet winter, spring seems finally to have arrived. Our fields, parks and gardens are bursting into flower. An ever-growing number of people also now grow orchids, thanks to the availability and affordability of an ever-increasing variety of these fascinating plants.

As a grower and exhibitor of orchids, I get asked many questions about the care and maintenance of these very rewarding plants. It always surprises people that they can be grown successfully and relatively easily in their own home, greenhouse and, in the case of some species, in their own garden.

For those who would like to know much more about orchids, the Thames Valley Orchid Society will be holding its annual show at All Saints’ Church Hall, The Causeway, Marlow, SL6 2AA, on Saturday, April 5. There will be many exhibitors, orchid and sundry suppliers and a gang of enthusiastic orchidists from all over the Thames Valley and Oxfordshire to advise and explain all about successful orchid growing. There is a small admission fee of £1 to help towards the cost of the hall.

So if you would like an interesting day out and lots of free advice, do come and see us.

LARRY BRACEWELL (pictured) chairman, Thames Valley Orchid Society Clifton Hampden