YOUR article (Oxford Mail, December 24, Hunts expect to see big crowds on Boxing Day), could be construed as incitement to criminal activity, especially in view of your paper’s further article (Oxford Mail, December 27) which was a blatant piece of propaganda on behalf of the Heythrop Hunt. The Heythrop was found guilty in a court of law of breaking the Hunting Act and should, by rights, no longer be allowed to continue. Neither article mentioned the recent opinion poll confirming that 80 per cent of the electorate wish to retain the ban on hunting and that this includes the majority of rural residents, who are cowed into silence and prevented from openly denouncing this barbaric form of recreation by the bloodsports mafia who believe that they own the countryside. Judging by all the recent prosecutions, there are probably at least as many paedophiles in our society who would be delighted to come out of the woodwork if they had support in 10 Downing Street, Buckingham Palace and the House of Lords. M PRITCHARD Linkside Avenue Oxford