OF ALL the events that occur in the night sky, I would guess that comets generate the most excitement in the public.

Most of the comets that have appeared in my lifetime have been disappointing.

A good display was expected from Halley's comet when it returned in 1986, but it didn't live up to expectations because, having made many passes of the sun since at least 240BC, it had lost its ability to put on a show.

What about Comet Hale-Bopp, which was described as the great comet of 1997.

Well, to me, it didn't seem to live up to expectations - or was light pollution from the cities to blame?

There was, however, one comet that was spectacular and that was Arend-Roland of 1957. I wonder how many people remember it.

From the time that it first became visible in the west, it proved to be quite special for many weeks.

Great things are predicted for comet Ison, which has just become visible through binoculars. We wait in anticipation.

DERRICK HOLT, Fortnam Close, Headington, Oxford