A FOOTNOTE to your article about Oxford trams.

When my grandmother moved her business from Woodstock to Oxford, she operated for a short while from Park End Street.

Oxford Mail:

  • One of the first petrol-driven buses in High Street, Oxford

My mother would relate how the horses had to be driven fairly hard from the railway station to have enough speed for the tram to clear the humpback bridge over the Castle Mill Stream.

Oxford Mail:

  • A horse-drawn tram in Banbury Road, Oxford, in about 1903

This was, of course, before my time, but I do remember the early motor buses.

These were open topped with the staircase on the outside.

No matter how much I pleaded with my mother, she would not use the upper deck, claiming that the seats could be wet and were uncomfortable, no doubt because they were only made of wooded slats.

DERRICK HOLT, Fortnam Close, Headington, Oxford