MOTHER-of-two and Flight Lieutenant Jessica Riley, 30, will be wearing her poppy with pride to support fellow servicemen “in their hour of need”.

She is a physical education officer based at Brize Norton and has served in the RAF since 2004.

The mother to one-year-old Summer and Lily, 23 months, said: “The Royal British Legion provides absolutely essential support for the Armed Forces and it’s something that we find invaluable, just knowing that someone is available to turn to if you need help.

“I wear my poppy with pride as not only does it show respect to those who have served before me, especially those who made the ultimate sacrifice, but every penny that the Poppy Appeal raises helps veterans and current serving personnel in their hour of need.

“I have been fortunate enough not to need the assistance of the Royal British Legion so far, but it is fantastic to know that their support is always available to me, even when I eventually retire from the RAF.”