I AM truly staggered that the stench of sewerage in Burford High Street has not been corrected.

Obnoxious smells are there to warn us of serious problems of harmful toxins (as in smoke, sewerage carries harmful odours and gases). Surely the local residents must crave for this problem to be corrected, but still it continues.

As far as local businesses are concerned, surely they need customers to feel welcomed and comfortable in their town. How many people will stay away from a community that allows such neglect? Even local food businesses cross the line by failing to place food stuffs in their food bins in Burford.

Yet Burford is the most popular place in the continent for a visit. Have many people lost their sense of smell, or are they just complacent? Even the local environment department asks if a person is on drugs, imagining smells, long before accepting their is a serious problem.

Help please.


