ON which planet does Oxfordshire County Council officer Huw Jones live (October 21)? Has he ever studied the rat-run through Wolvercote every weekday morning, between 7.30am and 9am and again in the evening? The speed limit of 20mph is farcical.

When a recent check was carried out by an obvious police patrol, motorists were warning each other further up the road. It should have been an unmarked car in a gateway.

As for Oxford Highways Department saying it should have no impact on village traffic, we can barely get fire engines, ambulances and buses through due to cars being parked on yellow lines, pavements and verges now – and hot summer weekends are horrendous. Where are all these new residents from 190 homes on the Wolvercote Paper Mill site going to park?

The entrance to the proposed site is inadequate. You cannot cross the road now when traffic comes at you from all directions. It will be a big danger for children.

As for traffic going up to the roundabout, it’s got to make a difference. It’s difficult enough now to get out of Godstow Road.

As for the railway/canal bridge, it is badly in need of repair and strengthening (the council cannot afford it, it’s said). The infra-structure of Wolvercote village was not made for a large development which has been proposed.


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