Sir – Oxford Unitarians send their good wishes to Oxford Humanists upon the occasion of their first ‘Sunday Assembly’ in the city of Oxford on Saturday, October 26.

Those supporting this event might also like to consider a long-established alternative.

The Unitarian movement is one of the oldest non-conformist denominations in Britain. While arising from a Christian tradition, it has evolved into a liberal and foward-thinking faith — imposing no doctrines upon its adherents but encouraging them to develop their own religious opinions.

Unitarian worship draws upon literature and culture from all religious groups and society at large to provoke thought and encourage personal spiritual development.

As a result our congregation, which meets at 11am every Sunday in the chapel of Harris Manchester College in Mansfield Road, attracts those of ‘all faiths and none’, embracing all religious backgrounds, humanism and atheism. Further information can be found on our

Martyn Agass, Chairman, Manchester College Oxford Chapel Society