A 13-YEAR-OLD girl said she felt “broken” after former president of Abingdon’s chamber of commerce had sex with her, a jury heard.

Paul Townsend, of Hadland Road, Abingdon, denies sexually abusing four girls aged 13 to 16 over a two-year period.

The accused was on the committee of Dunmore Pre-school and the board of the Choose Abingdon Partnership.

He denies 21 counts – 14 of sexual activity with a child, three of sexual assault and four of causing or inciting a child to engage in sexual activity.

Yesterday, a jury watched police interviews with a girl who the prosecution alleges Townsend had sex with three times when she was 13.

The girl, now 14, told police the “really aggressive” man “pushed” her down and had sex with her.

“It made me feel this small,” she said, holding up her forefinger and thumb.

“I felt like I was broken because he said I couldn’t tell anyone.”

The jury heard how he allegedly bought a “lacy” bra and knickers and asked her to model it for him.

Fern Russell, prosecuting, said Townsend admitted buying the underwear, but said the girl asked him to do it. The trial continues.