Sir – I really don’t know what to make of what I observed at the Doric presentation.

In no way has Doric given any attention to what the residents think, want or need. I filled in yet another form literally in letters an inch high, but I think they are only going through the motions of ‘consultation’. The plan illustrated seems a lot bigger than last time.

While I accept that Botley needs a facelift, the closure of Field House is of major concern to me because of my eldest brother.

Yes, there are other residents but he is my primary concern. He is 76, born in Botley, as I was, and in common with the other residents is very happy and settled in Field House, although he is in poor health.

At the end of the day, it seems to me it is all about money with no thought at all for the residents and community of Botley.

What to do or where to go next? That question I am at a complete loss to answer.

Jennifer Holloway (Mrs), North Hinksey