Sir – Liberal-minded people concerned about inequalities in health, education and the inheritance of wealth in our country, who also are sceptical about the advantages of our membership of the EU, may like to know that there is a political party that is neither socialist Labour, dynastic capitalist Conservative, dynastic capitalist UKIP nor EU-fanatic Liberal Democrat.

The continuation Liberal Party, nowadays EU-sceptic, opposed giving up the pound for the euro. It calls for genuinely greater equality of opportunity in health, education and the inheritance of wealth in the UK.

It would put VAT on private health and private school fees in order to increase resources for the NHS and state schools, including sporting facilities.

It would move the country away from dynastic capitalism by gradually introducing a universal inheritance of capital for all UK-born UK citizens at 25, financed by reform of Inheritance Tax including abolition of the unjustified unlimited exemptions which have resulted, for example, in one third of all land still being owned by the families who grabbed it at the time of the Norman Conquest. May I urge other Liberals who would like to help re-build the Oxfordshire branch of the Liberal Party to make contact through

Dane Clouston, Oxfordshire Liberal Party, Stadhampton