Sir – Many of your readers may remember the enthusiasm with which the first so-called Sunday Assembly was greeted last January.

The organisers had hired a church somewhere in north London and, as the BBC reported at the time: “a congregation of more than 300 crowded into the shell of a deconsecrated church to join the Sunday morning celebration .... (but) not many sermons include the message that we are all going to die and there is no afterlife …. (and), instead of hymns, the non-faithful got to their feet to sing along to Stevie Wonder and Queen songs.”

The BBC also observed that a screen on the altar showed a photograph of TV scientist Dr Brian Cox — and others noted how family- friendly the whole thing was. Unsurprisingly, all this turned out not to be another one-day-wonder and it continues to grow from strength to strength. So humanists, atheists, secularists, sceptics (and people of faith) from all around south Oxfordshire are invited to St Ebbe’s Deaf and Hard of Hearing Centre on the morning of Saturday, October 26, to inaugurate the first “Sunday” Assembly in the city of Oxford. Naturally, Oxford Humanists are fully behind this initiative and further details are given in NB: This is also where those interested can request their free entry tickets.

John D White, Chairman, Oxford Humanists