Sir – I wonder if you could explain to your Weekend arts readers your reviewing policy — if, indeed, you have one.

I have just about stopped buying The Oxford Times owing to the complete dearth of visual arts reviews.

You occasionally preview a visual arts exhibition or event, though these are mostly for high-profile museums, often in London, but you rarely, if ever, review any visual arts shows.

And, yet, there are so many galleries in Oxford and Oxfordshire putting on exciting exhibitions worthy of notice — you are selling your readers short. I have heard that in order to get any sort of write-up for visual arts in your arts section, a ‘booking’ (and this is only for a preview) has to be made.

Maybe, if we all knew how to make, or at least be considered for a ‘booking’, we might see more coverage. It is after all called the Weekend arts section, but it is totally biased at present to performing arts and literature. Several years ago you had a balanced arts section.

Joanna Gilmour, Oxford