A FORMER shop assistant who threatened a taxi driver with a large Indian cooking knife has been jailed for 18 months.

Syed Ahmed, of Ellington Court, North Way, Headington, admitted attempted robbery and possession of a bladed article, a knife, on May 31 at Oxford Crown Court on Friday.

Sandra Beck, prosecuting, said taxi driver Surinder Masih had picked up 22-year-old Ahmed, a former assistant at the Moneyshop in Cowley, to take him home from the city centre and they had agreed a price of £10.

But when they arrived at Ahmed’s home, which he shares with his mother and two younger brothers, he handed over £4.90.

Ahmed gave Mr Masih one of his boots as insurance that he would return with the rest of the fare, but when he came back he was holding a large Indian cooking knife.

Ms Beck said: “He went into the passenger window and repeatedly demanded money.

“The taxi driver was scared and drove away forcing the knife to get lodged in the passenger window.”

She added: “He had been out drinking and consumed a large amount of alcohol in the city centre.”

Sarah Holland, defending, said: “His parents divorced very recently.

“As a result that is when he started to drink more and more heavily.

“It has been mentioned on a number of occasions how sorry this young man is.”

Jailing Ahmed for 18 months, Judge Mary Jane Mowat said: “This does seem to be quite out of character.”