A CAPTIVATED audience listened to jazz at a charity church concert in Oxford.

More than 40 people stepped out of the rain to enjoy the weekly Music on Monday sessions at St Michael at the Northgate in Cornmarket Street.

Performers Zoe Lethbridge, 37, and Jolene Cook, 37, entertained the crowd on the flute and piano.

Mrs Lethbridge said: “It is a great chance to perform really. We both have other jobs but we are pretty serious musicians.

“They were an attentive audience who seemed to be very interested and enjoying themselves.”

The concerts run every week on Mondays from around 1pm.

The performers each week get to choose a charity for any donations to go to.

Ms Lethbridge, from London, who works for Ford cars, and Miss Cook, a climate scientist, from Reading, both travelled to Oxford for the concert.

They raised £158 for the British Red Cross Syria Crisis Appeal.