I am writing concerning Jim Young’s letter (October 18) titled ‘All primary schools must be congratulated’. In his letter Mr Young praises the following for improvements in children’s reading ability: schools themselves, heads, teachers, assistants, parents and volunteers, and says they are always looking for more volunteers.

He goes on to say that all the above “have been addressing this ‘problem’ since 2010”.

What would Mr Young say is the cause of the ‘problem’ here? The ‘problem’ of course being very low levels of reading ability in children who should be capable of far more far earlier in their school lives.

Mr Young, what is the cause of infant school literacy learning failure in the first place?

And Mr Young, is the above list of earnest helpers the long-term answer?

To concentrate your mind – if schools must be congratulated, why do they still need more volunteers?

Surely we should congratulate the schools when all current volunteers are laid off and parents don’t have to do the bulk of teaching at home?

S. NICHOLSON, Campbell Road, Oxford