AN engineering and building consultancy has designs on the future after recruiting two new apprentices.

Patrick Andrews and Jake Thompson, both 18, have started work at QODA Consulting in Faringdon after deciding not to go to university and opting for trainee positions in their chosen careers.

Jake has been working on various projects at the Tower of London while Patrick has been involved in plans for a biomass energy centre at Dyrham Park in Gloucestershire, run by the National Trust.

“I chose the apprentice route as I wanted to try first-hand the job I would be doing for the rest of my life,” said Jake. “I have always been interested in engineering but have never enjoyed school-based learning, so an apprenticeship seemed like the perfect opportunity for me to learn in a hands-on environment.

“I feel I’m learning so much more than I would have at university.”

Patrick added: “The apprenticeship gives me training, which will lead to a sponsored degree, a paid job and the practical experience many university graduates lack.”

Director Nick Carter added that he wanted to train two young people specifically in the design aspect of engineering, to help meet the requirements of the company’s work.

“Engineering faces a skills shortage in the coming years and we welcome the chance to take on young people.”