Whenever Caroline Knight feels angry, she just bakes a cake.

The 26-year-old from Cumnor was diagnosed with depression three months ago, after friends suggested she seek help. It turned out that she had suffered with depression for 10 years without realising it.

Miss Knight, who works at Jacobs and Field Delicatessen, in Headington, said: “I have always been a baker but now I use it if I am in a foul mood.

“Instead of going down the route of self-harm I bake a cake instead.”

To raise awareness for a condition which she says is too often undiagnosed, she now runs “depressed cake shops” in Oxford.

On Sunday she ran her second shop at The Albion Beatnik Bookstore, in Walton Road, Jericho.

She said about 60 people turned up to buy a flapjack or a cupcake and learn something about mental health problems.

She said: “It is to get people talking about depression, make people realise it needs to be addressed.

“Some people might not even realise they are suffering, and it really hampered my quality of life.”

Miss Knight is now having cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and says it is having “amazing results”.

s To find out more, email caroline.knight06@gmail.com