IT’S that time again in the electoral calendar when the main parties will be selecting their candidates to stand in the general election 2015. With all eyes on Witney, it’s dead cert that the Conservatives will continue with their dear leader, Dave. With Labour possibly choosing a local lad, I wonder who the top brass at UKIP HQ will elevate to the position of chief ‘kipper’ in Witney?

Although the thought of UKIP making any gains in national politics makes me sick to the pit of my stomach, we are a democracy, so I hope they listen to the people and stand James Robertshaw in 2015.

James stood in the Oxfordshire County Council elections earlier this year and only lost by 10 votes, pushing the Tories into third place. Arguably, one could say that James and UKIP are the main reason that Witney has a Labour county councillor as he and the ‘kippers’ split the Tory vote.

There will possibly be some new parties standing in Witney in 2015 to try and take ‘compassionate Dave’s’ votes, such as the NHS Alliance but to be honest, if like me, you want to see Cameron taken down a peg or two then I think James Robertshaw for UKIP should be our secret weapon. He worked hard and did well in the OCC elections and a lot of people held him in high regard. Like Labour, UKIP won’t win in Witney but they’ll be sure to keep our incumbent toff on his toes.

In short – UKIP, pick James Robertshaw as chief ‘kipper’ to stand in 2015. He’s sure to do you proud.


Manor Road
