IF you’re not impressed by this pumpkin, perhaps you will be by the fact that it’s a quintuplet.

Jayne and Reg Madden of Weirs Lane, South Oxford, grew the five at their Abingdon Road allotment on a diet of manure from their two horses which are kept in Lower Radley.

They have given four of the pumpkins, estimated to each weigh nearly 90 kilos, away.

The fifth, said Mrs Madden, has mysteriously vanished.

“Reg has probably saved it for us but hidden it,” said the 55-year-old.

Mrs Madden said: “We grow them every year but this year they just went mental. We absolutely plastered the allotment in manure.”

Each took four men to lift into the back of daughter-in-law Megan Madden’s car, which could only take one at a time.

The couple donated two of the pumpkins to granddaughters Chloe and Katie’s school, SS Mary and John in East Oxford, for their harvest festival.

Another was given to a church and another to a friend.

Last week we revealed physiotherapy assistant Nicky Mercer had won the Headington Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre’s annual pumpkin growing competition with an 81lb beast.