A DEFENCE barrister for a defendant in the Bullfinch trial stated in mitigation his client was brought up in the wrong area.

“The reality is he was caught up with the culture. If he had been fortunate enough not to be brought up in the Cowley Road area things, may have been different, but that is where he was” (June 27, 2013).

Some local residents would not recognise that description of our community and others would refute the barrister’s comments. However, it is clear the young women who bravely gave evidence at the Old Bailey in the sex exploitation trial earlier in the year, understandably have a dreadful view of the Cowley Road area. Hearing what these young women endured in our neighbourhood, when they were young girls, in streets where we live, is truly shocking, especially so as none of us were able to help. We have heard loud and clear what these young women have said.

Criminal elements have been able to develop in the area, a contributing factor in allowing this abuse to happen. Press reports inform us there are other young women who have also been abused.

The serious case review, which is now in process, will hopefully identify other key contributing factors. We hope that there will be no cover up in the serious case review and there will be transparency on behalf of the agencies involved.

We await with interest the publication of the recommendations from this review, and we must make every effort to change things to ensure this exploitation never happens again.

In the meantime we have to be even more vigilant to ensure that our community is made safe for children.

RICHARD TARVER Howard Street Oxford