AN OXFORDSHIRE golf club has created a new category of membership to integrate its disabled members.

Waterstock Golf Club in Thame with the Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire Golf Partnership, launched an initiative two years ago to cater for children with special needs by setting up the Feel Inspired Academy.

Now the nine juniors who completed two years on the academy are becoming members of the club in a new Feel Inspired category of membership.

This includes benefits such as allocated tee times throughout the year to play on the course. Coach Tom Baker, a professional golfer, said there was no other golf club in the country which offered this.

Mr Baker, 31, from Thame, said: “It’s quite a special thing that we have done.

“We are hoping that we can get 50 members in the next five years.”

Mr Baker said it had been a challenging, but rewarding experience teaching the children the tricks of the trade.

He said: “It has required slightly more patience and we have had to take things slowly, as some of the kids have restricted movement.

“We have worked out different ways for them to swing the club. It is amazing to see what they have done with their golf.”

The Thame resident, who has been teaching golf for 10 years, added: “The most rewarding thing apart from watching them play has been watching them become friends and growing in confidence.

“When they first came along, some didn’t even talk to start with so it has been really good in that sense as well.”

Participants have a range of disabilities and the club said it can also support wheelchair users. For details, email or call Waterstock Golf Club on 01844 338093.