JERICHO residents and councillors have hit out at plans to close their nearest Barclays Bank, with the loss of two cash machines.

They said the loss of the ATMs at the Little Clarendon Street branch would be inconvenient for shoppers.

The firm said a drop in the number of customers using the branch had led to the closure, to take effect from January 17.

The nearest in-branch bank machine is at RBS in St Giles’, but this ATM is only open during branch hours from 9.15am to 4.45pm between Monday and Friday.

Jericho’s only cash machine is at the Co-op in Walton Street.

The nearest Barclays is in Cornmarket Street in the city centre.

Jericho Community Association vice chairman Paul Hornby said: “The loss of the ATMs is a major blow. We very much regret that.

“They are covered so you don’t get wet queuing for them. The one in Walton Street is exposed to the elements.”

Colin Cook, a Jericho and Osney member of Oxford City Council, said the branch had been there since at least the early 1980s.

He said: “It is disappointing. At that end of the day there is not a lot of option and it will put pressure on the other machines in the vicinity.”

Users of the cash machines gave their reaction.

University lecturer David Staunton, 50, of Appleton said: “It is a shame because it is difficult to find cash machines in Oxford, particularly this end.”

Housewife Liz Wickham-Jones of Leckford Road, North Oxford, said: “I don’t want it to close otherwise I will have to go into town or Summertown.”

Support worker Gabrielle Jamieson, of Victor Street, Jericho, added: “It is a shame. There are a lot of students already around here.

“It is useful but it is a regular place for the beggars to sit when you are getting your cash. It is quite intimidating.”

Barclays spokeswoman Irene East said a “drop in customer usage” had led to the decision and that two staff members would relocate to other branches.

She added: “The decision to close Little Clarendon Street, Oxford branch (Wellington Square) has not been taken lightly and we appreciate that it will cause some inconvenience.

“We will work hard to minimise the impact on customers and will help them with the change to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible.”

Those with personal banking can pay in and get cash out at the Post Office in Walton Street, she said.